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在职研究生网    zzy.china-b.com    发布时间:2014年08月19日    来源:育龙网

1. It was who cleaned the dorm room.
A. he and I
B. him and me
C. he and me
D. Him and I
2. These machines are better than we used last year.
A. that
B. what
C. those
D. which
3. “May I help you with some shoes, sir?”
“Yes, I’d like to try on those black .”
A. one
B. ones
C. two
D. pair
4. “Do you like the book Sidney gave you?”
“Very much. It’s exactly I wanted.”
A. one which
B. the one
C. one what
D. one that
5. “Have you found the pen you lost yesterday?”
“Yes, I have found .”
A. one
B. it
C. either
D. both
6. Poe and Hawthorne in the development of the short story as a distinctive American genre.
A. and both leaders were
B. both were leaders
C. were both leaders
D. who were leaders
7. My parents in this evening.
A. are both
B. all are
C. both are
D. are all
8. are very clever.
A. Both them
B. Both of them
C. The both boys
D. Both of boys
9. Catherine had spent mowing the lawn.
A. the whole day
B. all during the day
C. altogether a day
D. entirely a day
10. the girls came on the trip.
A. Neither
B. Nobody of
C. None of
D. No one of




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