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在职研究生网    zzy.china-b.com    发布时间:2014年08月19日    来源:育龙网

1. The vacuum cleaner is a valuable labor-saving ______ action.
A. device
B. engine
C. piece
D. instrument
2. The flight was postponed because of technical problems and was finally cancelled last week when a ______ was discovered.
A. accident
B. defect
C. damage
D. defeat
3. When she was crossing the road, she was knocked down by a motor-car and lay ______ by the roadside.
A. asleep
B. thoughtless
C. unconscious
D. unaware
4. The novels he has written have shown his ______ ability as an author.
A. literal
B. literally
C. literature
D. literary
5. The reader is urged to be a leader, rather than a follower; to rely on his own power, rather than to ______.
A. inform
B. conform
C. deform
D. reform
6. He would much ______ it if you could do him the favor.
A. award
B. apply
C. appreciate
D. anticipate
7. If our ______ is correct, then the space-craft should reach the moon on Monday.
A. calculation
B. composition
C. communication
D. vision
8. San Francisco’s Chinese community, comprising 67, 000 ______ is the largest concentration of Chinese outside of Asia.
A. visitors
B. workers
C. adults
D. inhabitants
9. We didn’t catch the train on ______ of the traffic congestion.
A. basis
B. charge
C. account
D. behalf
10. Though he has suffered from cancer for so many years, it is so strange that he has ______ to the present day.
A. deprived
B. survived
C. derived
D. revived
1题:答案为A。 device 器械;engine发动机;piece碎片;instrument仪器。
2题:答案为B。 accident事故;defect缺陷;damage破坏;defeat失败。
3题:答案为C。 asleep睡着的;thoughtless缺乏考虑的;unconscious无知觉的;unaware不知道的。
4题:答案为D。 literal文字上的;literally逐字地;literature文学;literary文字上的。
5题:答案为B。 inform告”;conform顺从;deform破坏形象;reform改革。
6题:答案为C。 award授予;apply运用;appreciate感激;anticipate期望。
7题:答案为A。 calculation计算;composition作文;communication通讯;vision视觉。
8题:答案为D。 visitor访问者;worker工人;adult成人;inhabitant居民。
9题:答案为C。 basis基础;charge控告;on account of由于;on behalf of代表。
10题:答案为B。 deprive剥夺;survive幸存;derive产生;revive复活。




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