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在职研究生网    zzy.china-b.com    发布时间:2014年08月19日    来源:育龙网

1. The firms are not allowed to set up any trade ________ among them.
A. barrier
B. blame
C. benefit
D. duty
2. The street was ____________ by the police for fear that there was a bomb.
A. deceived
B. delivered
C. damaged
D. blocked
3. The economy in this city was _______ by the new investment from abroad.
A. cancelled
B. boomed
C. buried
D. crowded
4. On _______ of the school, I’d like to welcome you all.
A. behalf
B. dairy
C. decade
D. delight
5. He is a ______ boy because he was not afraid of fighting with the bad man.
A. damp
B. delicate
C. cruel
D. bold
6. There used to be an old city here, which was _______ under the river about 2000 years ago.
A. insulted
B. insulated
C. buried
D. interrupted
7. The trip to the west has been ________ due to the lack of the funds.
A. insisted
B. canceled
C. infected
D. inferred
8. What he suggested will be ___________ to your plan.
A. infinite
B. intimate
C. inflexible
D. beneficial
9. His birthday was ________ in a big hotel and attended by about 200 people.
A. inspected
B. installed
C. celebrated
D. interfered
10. The windy weather is _____________ of this city in spring.
A. supreme
B. characteristic
C. suspicious
D. sympathetic




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