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在职研究生网    zzy.china-b.com    发布时间:2014年08月19日    来源:育龙网

1. At this moment, they are still __________ with many economic problems.
A. centered
B. believed
C. referred
D. confronted
2. The conference was ____________ by one hundred experts in this field.
A. announced
B. declined
C. attended
D. planned
3. It is believed that _______ spending will certainly lead to the bankrupt.
A. natural
B. mysterious
C. moist
D. excessive
4. With a _________, he didn’t care about what his friend said.
A. contempt
B. motivation
C. reception
D. realization
5. The guests are often very well _________ by the host in that city.
A. recovered
B. refreshed
C. reassured
D. entertained
6. The medical report confirms that the flu has __________ almost everyone in this area.
A. infected
B. raised
C. recommended
D. insulated
7. From the passage we can ________ that this disease can be cured.
A. insult
B. inspire
C. refuse
D. infer
8. As the price keeps going up, _______ has turn into double figures.
A. recreation
B. inflation
C. refuge
D. reduction
9. The ______ of jet travel has made the world seem smaller.
A. remark
B. relationship
C. removal
D. innovation
10. The factors which would influence the learning will _____ with each other.
A. interact
B. install
C. innovate
D. intend




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